
Treerun Area Information


A new concept! Further expansions of the Tree Run Areas


mportant information about using Tree Run Areas

Guidance of available"important"

Scheduled opening period: from late December until mid-April

Scheduled opening hours / 9:30am until 2:00pm

How to use

Regarding equipment / A mobile phone (with sufficient charge) is required.

About accidents / 100% self-responsibility areas

Tree Run Area specifications

  Difficulty level Exit merge course Density of trees Stream hazards Small avalanches and snow cornices Danger of deviating from course
Heart 1 A1 moderate No No No
Rookie2 1 A1 moderate No No No
Garden 2 A1 moderate No No No
Rookie1 2 A2 moderate No No Yes
Summit 2 A4 moderate Yes 稀に Yes
Rubbit 2 B2 moderate No No Yes
Rush 3 C2 Low No Yes Yes
Beech 3 A4 Low Yes Yes Yes
Cascade 3 A4 moderate Yes Yes Yes
Alta 3 A3 moderate Yes Yes Yes
Stream 3 Beech Low No No Yes
Extreme 4 C3 moderate Yes Yes Yes
Shooter1 4 A4 Low Yes Yes Yes
Shooter2 4 A4 moderate Yes Yes Yes
Shoote3r 4 A4 moderate No Yes No
Shooter4 4 A4 moderate No No No

Treerun area詳細



The forest between the A1 and A2 courses is the Garden tree run area. It is compact but offers a moderate gradient slope.
It is an area where trees such as beech, cedar, and wild cherry blossoms coexist. Easy access from the Number 1 Pair Lift.



Alta is next to Shooter and has many ups and downs, making it an area that makes you want to approach from various angles. There is an area near the Number 1 Pair Lift that can be used as a natural pipe, but there is also a sudden drop, so care is needed. Enjoy riding the area under control with constant braking. The snow quality is often excellent on the northeast-facing slopes. You can use this run from the Number 1 Pair Lift.



Shooter is a thrilling area where you enter on descending the A1 course, overcoming large and small undulations. It has been greatly expanded since the 2018 season and is now divided into 4 distinct valley areas. It can be enjoyed in a range of styles. As the name suggests, aim at the target line and capture it by 'shooting'. With the denseness of the trees in the area, so you should be able to capture a good line relatively smoothly through until the end. There are some depressions, but many in the latter half are difficult to land. Snowboarders, in particular, are encouraged to trace the top of the ridge. If you fall too far into the valley, there are places where you will need to walk.



This new tree run area, directly below the gondola mountaintop station, is an entry-level tree run area and suitable for kids too. The slope is gentle, and you don't have to worry about going too fast. This forest area can be enjoyed together with children.



As the name suggests, the Summit tree run area is entered near the observatory on the 'top of the mountain'. The slope is gentler than Shooter, but the terrain is undulating and enjoyable. If you deviate from the prescribed line with the mark, there is an avalanche danger point, so please follow the border line. Snowboarders, in particular, are recommended to check the gradient of the slopes before proceeding.



This area is where large beech trees line up at moderate intervals, and you can ride through them comfortably. There are several steep ridges at the start of the run, and various tricks are possible using the undulations. The slope gradually becomes gentler in the middle part of the course, but the gap between the trees is wide, so you can pass through smoothly. In the second half, you will have to pay attention to the signs so as not to leave the area, proceed to the exit, and overcome the undulations of the ridge. You will have to traverse at the end of the course, so it can be difficult in deep fresh snow. It is recommended that multiple people enter together rather than individually. Also, it is dangerous if you lose sight of the signs. Be sure to keep track of your position.



Stream is a large area behind Beech. Like Beech, the start has several steep ridges and valleys that can be used as natural pipes.
There is also a large bowl-shaped area near the boundary with Beech, where you can enjoy big turns.
Various tricks are also possible using the undulations. The slope gradually becomes gentler in the middle part, but the gap between the trees is wide, so you can pass through them smoothly.
In the second half, it joins Beech, so you can enjoy part of that run together with Stream.
As with Beech, we recommend you enter with multiple people, not alone. It is also dangerous if you lose sight of the signs. Especially if you enter the valley that comes off B1, it isn't easy to get out



Rabbit is in the forest just past B3 course. The name comes from Usagimoriyama, just above. Rabbit is short, but the undulating area is the appeal. There are also old beech trees in the compact area. This run is also recommended for those new to tree runs because there is little chance of getting lost.



Sandwiched between C3 and C5 courses, this area starts with a gentle slope and gradually gets steeper. The number of Japanese karamatsu trees increases towards the bottom, and the intervals between the trees change in each section, making for a relaxed cruising experience. This terrain is accessible using the Quad Lift.



Cascade is next to Extreme, and the gentle slope at the beginning has a wide space between trees allowing you to ride comfortably. From the middle stage, the slope twists to the right and descends, getting steeper. After that, the pitch becomes gentler again, and at the end, it drops repeatedly and returns to the C4 course. If you attack the left side of the midfield too much, you will end up in an open area that might trigger an avalanche. It is necessary to ride without ignoring the signboard with clear arrows displayed.

A location confirmation tool that can be used when requesting patrols in the tree run area

Prohibited Areas, Out of Bounds, and Accident Response

Efforts to prevent accidents at Geto Kogen and outside of the managed areas.

①Entering the ‘Prohibited Areas’ displayed in red on the map is prohibited at all times. People entering those areas will be asked to leave immediately, and their lift tickets or season tickets will be confiscated.
②We will charge the actual cost of any rescue required in areas where skiing is prohibited.
①Safety management is not performed by the ski resort outside of the designated management area. There are many serious dangers outside the official area of the ski area, such as avalanche risk and cliffs.
②Accidents outside the controlled area are entirely the responsibility of the individual. As a rule, rescue requests are referred to the police.
③When entering outside the controlled area for winter mountain climbing, etc., it is necessary to submit a report notification. The submission box is at Mountain Information, next to the Ticket Center.This information will be a help in the event of an accident.
④When going outside the management area for winter mountain climbing, it is strongly recommended to be accompanied by a person familiar with the local topography and with specialized knowledge.
①Accidents outside the ski resort management area are entirely the responsibility of the individual.
②As a rule, rescue requests are made to the police, and the ski resort follows the instructions of the police.
③In the following cases, all expenses will be billed at the actual cost.
a, Expenses related to logistical support, such as providing countermeasures headquarters and waiting areas, transportation of personnel, etc.
b, When a ski resort patrol is dispatched. (Dispatch only happens when the risk of secondary disaster is low and the location can be identified)
Someone ventured outside the ski courses and had an accident in the evening. A friend called for help, and the police were dispatched.
In the case of being able to get down to the base on your own three hours after closing:
①At the ski resort, 8 people are on standby (including 2 people who have to go to work in an emergency), and the night-time lighting is extended for 3 hours.
②You are able to get back to base, relying on the night-time lighting.
6,000 yen for logistical supporters backers x 8 people x 3 hours 144,000 yen + overtime
Vehicle cost 20,000 yen x 2 vehicles 40,000 yen
Night lighting 135,000 yen x 3 hours 405,000 yen

Total cost of at least 589,000 yen
As described above, the cost of rescue resulting from off-course skiing is very high, even if you can get down the mountain yourself.
滑走エリア 救助
規定 規定

株式会社 北日本リゾート

〒024-0322 岩手県北上市和賀町岩崎新田
総合案内 TEL 0197-65-9000
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スクール TEL 0197-65-9007
Fax 0197-65-9002